

In the immediate aftermath of the cancellation of Eurovision 2020, the disappointment on social media was palpable, and so, within minutes, I made the rather rash decision to stage my own replacement international song contest instead, promising to broadcast it online, from my flat, on the same night as the Eurovision Final would have taken place.

A decision that has since been described variously as naive, arrogant, romantic and megalomaniacal.

I hope that my quickly assembled, almost zero-budget (I spent £3.49 on a trophy) alternative to Eurovision will distract viewers from the depressing reality of the global pandemic, while simultaneously showcasing the exciting potential of asymmetrical broadcasting.

This is the perfect time to seize the means of production, question hierarchies, and reorder the world in our favour. 

If successful, Coronavision will hopefully act as a proof of concept for others to do the same. 

Richard DeDomenici

Chief Convener

Coronavision Song Contest