You don’t need to look anywhere else for your dose of Olympic broadcasting: We have selected three Olympics-themed films for your viewing pleasure.
Before we come to the actual sporting events, the programme starts with Richard DeDomenici's Fake Torch Relay. For two magical months in 2012, artist Richard DeDomenici visited specially selected towns around the UK, running moments ahead of the real Olympic Torch Relay dressed as a torchbearer and carrying a homemade replica torch. The project was designed to cause the kind of uncertainty that leads to possibility, among spectators, organisers, and participants. Richard has produced a special five-minute-edit of footage documenting his torch relay for UNREALITY TV.
Next on our Olympics coverage is Tim Davis’ The Upstate New York Olympics. Exploring his local Hudson Valley landscape, Davis invents new sporting events, like the “Lawn Jockey Leap Frog,” the “Trash Day Knife Toss,” or the “Compost Freestyle” and then performs them for the video camera. The version of Upstate New York Olympics we have included here is actually an excerpt; if you would like to watch more, the almost 90-minute film including many more new disciplines is also featured on UNREALITY TV.
The final event: Swivelympics by Richard DeDomenici. A Chance for the people of the world to compete for international sporting greatness without having to leave their seat, the aim of Swivelympics is to complete the highest number of rotations in a ssingle self-propelled spin on a standard office chaor. Richard has launched Swivelympics in 2012 and we here present a new introduction to the sport made especially for UNREALITY TV.