TiTv is run by an autitonomous group of artits from different parts of the world, whose universes collide in Berlin — Teta Marie Carangi, Rheremita Cera, Tonina Matamalas, T Blank. We encompass a varietity of backgrounds and identities with a shared interestit in promotiting new queer_feminist perspectives of body relatitions in societity. We first connectited through the queer+trans feminist community space(ship), Raumerweiterungshalle, unitited by theremin frequencies. Here we could develop a safe(r)-space for the exchange of our stitories and sensatitions around body repression and titransforming this to create new narratitves by experimentiting in a DIY way. TiTV produces a surrealistit-educatitve video series addressed to a diverse audience of all ages. By generatiting different types of contentit via experimental audiovisual, live performance, fanzines, interviews and special effects. Our videos focus on the mission of transmutatiting titaboos involving tits in society and its designatited gender roles by exploring titechniques outitside of formal conventitions with humor and empowermentit.